

How Maldives became hottest vacation option - 2020

 let's know about Maldives a bit before we discuss how it become the hot destination during Covid

The Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, may be a small archipelagic island country in South Asia, located within the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean. It is located about 700 km from the mainland of the Asian continent, in Sri Lanka and southwest of India.Whether you get pampered within a 4-star resort or some 80 feet of water during fish-filled days, your tropical desires are bound to come true on one of the 87 resort islands of the Maldives. The spread of the equator, the 1,102 islands that make up the Maldives, forms 26 atolls or rings of corals scattered in a neighborhood of 510 miles or 75 miles wide. An air of peace covering the archipelago makes the Maldives the perfect place to escape from the vital world to a palm-fog haze.

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

While the food does not revolve around shrimp, the catch of the day is that the star - fried fish, fish curry, fish patties, fish balls, fish soup during this litany of fish dishes. It is increasingly difficult to find a very authentic meal, as most resorts reduce the spiciness to please the tourist's palette. To compensate, finish your meal with a Maldivian version of peppermint after dinner - a slice of alska nut, wrapped in ace leaves with cloves and lime paste. Do not leave the islands before re-remembering the coconut flavor of the island, whether during a sweet curry or as an alcoholic beverage.

Biggest hit with celebs as well 

Bollywood goes cray with Maldives as soon as it's opened up from Akshay kumar to katrina kaif and Saif ali khan to Sonakshi sinha there are number of celebs went on a personal holiday to Maldives and they get the much deserved privacy as well in the pandemic.

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

While you are there

Strap on an oxygen tank, load an underwater camera and swim with the reef shark within the shark thila reef, or explore the Maldives Victory wreck located near Airport Island, Hulule. Dance to the beat of a special drum - to be precise at a culture night sponsored by Bodu Beru, a resort. Visit the very best scenic point within the Maldives, located on the faraldhu within the northern atolls. Climb to the highest for striking views of this distribution of islands.

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

Since the re-opening of border, the aviation industry has started to rise again. Several international flights have resumed their operations. 3700 tourist have arrived from Air India, Spice jet, Indigo airlines itself. India is also considered as there top 10 market.

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..
Graph indicated from Visit Maldives 

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

Graph indicated from Visit Maldives 

Safe tourism introduction

  • USD 50k would be the licence fees for Safe Tourism Resorts shall allocate 10% of registered guest room for isolation reasons
  • Resorts shall allocate facilities for quarantining staff equivalent to 10% of staff population
  • Staff should know about social distancing
  • Staff should know about the uses of PPE kit
  • Staff should know disinfection processes
  • Enough stock of PPE kit which is certified (Masks, gloves, face shield, caps, boots) etc.
  • Resorts shall have a resident doctor and nurse

Phase I (considered a celebrity phase as well)

  • During the phase-1 which was planned to introduced in June, was only for the fully planned traveler
  • Travel needs to be done on their private jets, landing fee of USD 50k for private jetand 10k for yacht
  • Visa will only be allowed on a confirmed bookings of resorts
Phase II 
  • Charter's are allowed including private jets, rest remain same
Phase III
  • Guest houses open, things started getting normal and rest condition follow as same
Condition of Visa
  • Prior confirmed booking with the safe tourism certified resort, and tourist visa fee of USD 100 
  • Visa is only granted if tourist is staying for 14 dsys
  • Tourist must have PCR, under 7 days of travel and health certificate
  • in addition, once landed tourist must have a PCR test at the time of arrival with USD 100 fee as well


Map of Maldives

So now we know how Maldives has overcome from this covid situation as far as the tourism is concern and grab the much deserved market share as well in comparison to other countries.

  • Safe tourism promotion 
  •  insured your travel
  • Educate and create the whole new working eco system to fight
  • Phases reopen helped them to fight the virus in systematic manner
  • Gifted geography of their Islands
  • Public Private Partnership module (PPP) did a great job for them
  • Timely and correctly market the destination
In our next blog which is a continuation of this blog, we will discuss about the top Islands/Properties  one can watch out for.

How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

Hindi translation --------------- ----------- ------------- --------------- -------------------- ----------

मालदीव, आधिकारिक तौर पर मालदीव गणराज्य, दक्षिण एशिया में एक छोटा सा द्वीपसमूह द्वीप देश हो सकता है, जो हिंद महासागर के अरब सागर के भीतर स्थित है। यह एशियाई महाद्वीप की मुख्य भूमि से लगभग 700 किमी की दूरी पर श्रीलंका और भारत के दक्षिण-पश्चिम में स्थित है। यहाँ तक कि आप मछली के भरे दिनों के दौरान 4 सितारा रिज़ॉर्ट या कुछ 80 फीट पानी के भीतर लाड़-प्यार कर बैठते हैं। मालदीव के 87 रिसॉर्ट द्वीपों में से एक पर सच है। भूमध्य रेखा के प्रसार, 1,102 द्वीप जो मालदीव को बनाते हैं, 510 मील या 75 मील चौड़े इलाके में बिखरे हुए 26 प्रवाल द्वीप या मूंगे के छल्ले बनाते हैं। द्वीपसमूह को कवर करने वाली शांति की हवा, मालदीव को महत्वपूर्ण दुनिया से ताड़-धुंध धुंध से बचने के लिए सही जगह बनाती है।
How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

जबकि भोजन मै झींगा एक स्वादिष्ट पसंद है  , दिन की पकड़ी हुई मछली यहाँ के व्यंजनों की इस लिस्ट में एहम ऑप्शन ऑप्शन है  - तली हुई मछली, मछली करी, मछली पैटी,  मछली सूप। एक बहुत ही प्रामाणिक भोजन प्राप्त करना मुश्किल है, क्योंकि अधिकांश रिसॉर्ट्स पर्यटक के पैलेट को खुश करने के लिए स्पाइसीनेस को कम करते हैं। क्षतिपूर्ति करने के लिए, रात के खाने के बाद पुदीना के एक मालदीवियन संस्करण के साथ अपना भोजन समाप्त करें - अलस्का अखरोट का एक टुकड़ा, लौंग और चूने के पेस्ट के साथ इक्का पत्तियों में लिपटा हुआ। एक मीठी करी के दौरान या एक मादक पेय के रूप में, चाहे द्वीप के नारियल स्वाद को फिर से याद करने से पहले द्वीपों को न छोड़ें।

सबसे बड़े सेलेब्स के साथ भी हिट

जैसे की अक्षय कुमार से लेकर कैटरीना कैफ और सैफ अली खान से लेकर सोनाक्षी सिन्हा तक बॉलीवुड मालदीव में खलबली मचा दी हैं, मालदीव में निजी छुट्टी पर जाने वाले कई सेलेब्स हैं और उन्हें महामारी के दौरान  अच्छी तरह से बहुत ही योग्य गोपनीयता मिलती है।

जबकि आप वहां हैं

एक ऑक्सीजन टैंक पर पट्टा करें, एक पानी के नीचे के कैमरे को लोड करें और शार्क थिला चट्टान के भीतर रीफ शार्क के साथ तैरें, या एयरपोर्ट द्वीप, हुलूले के पास स्थित मालदीव विजय मलबे का पता लगाएं। एक विशेष ढोल की थाप पर नृत्य - बोडू बेरू द्वारा प्रायोजित एक संस्कृति रात में सटीक होना, एक रिसॉर्ट के अंदर । मालदीव के भीतर बहुत अच्छे दर्शनीय स्थल पर जाएँ, उत्तरी एटोल के भीतर फ़राल्डु पर स्थित है। द्वीपों के इस वितरण के हड़ताली विचारों के लिए उच्चतम पर चढ़ो।
How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

Safe tourism introduction
  • USD 50k would be the licence fees for Safe Tourism Resorts shall allocate 10% of registered guest room for isolation reasons
  • Resorts shall allocate facilities for quarantining staff equivalent to 10% of staff population
  • Staff should know about social distancing
  • Staff should know about the uses of PPE kit
  • Staff should know disinfection processes
  • Enough stock of PPE kit which is certified (Masks, gloves, face shield, caps, boots) etc.
  • Resorts shall have a resident doctor and nurse

Phase I (considered a celebrity phase as well)

  • During the phase-1 which was planned to introduced in June, was only for the fully planned traveler
  • Travel needs to be done on their private jets, landing fee of USD 50k for private jetand 10k for yacht
  • Visa will only be allowed on a confirmed bookings of resorts
Phase II 
  • Charter's are allowed including private jets, rest remain same
Phase III
  • Guest houses open, things started getting normal and rest condition follow as same
Condition of Visa
  • Prior confirmed booking with the safe tourism certified resort, and tourist visa fee of USD 100 
  • Visa is only granted if tourist is staying for 14 dsys
  • Tourist must have PCR, under 7 days of travel and health certificate
  • in addition, once landed tourist must have a PCR test at the time of arrival with USD 100 fee as well
सीमा के फिर से खोलने के बाद से, विमानन उद्योग फिर से बढ़ना शुरू हो गया है। कई अंतरराष्ट्रीय उड़ानों ने अपना परिचालन फिर से शुरू कर दिया है। 3700 पर्यटक एयर इंडिया, स्पाइस जेट, इंडिगो एयरलाइंस से ही पहुंचे हैं। भारत को शीर्ष 10 बाजार के रूप में भी माना जाता है।

तो अब हम जानते हैं कि कैसे मालदीव इस कोविद की स्थिति से उबर चुका है, जहां तक पर्यटन चिंता का विषय है और अन्य देशों की तुलना में इसके बहुत अधिक योग्य बाजार हिस्सेदारी को भी हड़प लेता है।
  • Safe tourism promotion 
  •  insured your travel
  • Educate and create the whole new working eco system to fight
  • Phases reopen helped them to fight the virus in systematic manner
  • Gifted geography of their Islands
  • Public Private Partnership module (PPP) did a great job for them
  • Timely and correctly market the destination
How maldives have become the hottest destination in 2020. If you wanted to plan your next trip and then what are you waiting for, pack your bag..

हमारे अगले ब्लॉग में जो इस ब्लॉग की निरंतरता है, हम शीर्ष द्वीपों / रिसॉर्ट्स  के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे जिन्हें कोई भी देख सकता है।

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